Common Foot Problems
It is important to have shoes that are correctly fitted. Poorly fitting shoes can exacerbate many common foot conditions. The...
What Causes Earwax to Form?
Earwax (known as cerumen) is a natural substance that protects and lubricates your ears, helps to prevent water damage to...
What Are Chilblains and How to Avoid Them?
Usually found on the fingers, toes, nose or earlobes, chilblains are patches of discoloured (red, blue, white or purple), itchy...
What behaviours can be classed as challenging?
Challenging behaviour is a broad term that can describe a wide range of conduct which has the potential to cause...
What Garden Upgrades Will Increase the Value of Your Property?
When it comes to making improvements to your home, enhancing your garden is often a priority. However it's crucial to...
The Right Style of Fencing for your Garden
Choosing a fence is an important decision and to make sure that you choose the right fence for your garden...
Caring for a Loved one With Dementia
When someone you live is diagnosed with dementia, it is difficult for everyone. One of the first things that you...
How to wean yourself off social media
Addiction to social media is a growing problem in modern society. Whatever your social media of choice, experts are warning...
How to Hold an Event Safely
Keeping guests safe and happy is top priority when holding an event. Whether this is a charity gala, a pop...
Improving the value of your Swindon property ready for sale
There is an old saying that in order to make money you must spend money and that philosophy is certainly...