10 Habits to reduce stress in your daily life
With the demands of work, family, and society, stress can sometimes make the best of us. Not being able to...
10 Reasons to convert to Paleo diet
We hear a lot about the Paleo diet lately and it's not without reason. It is a very effective diet...
What is a sinus arrhythmia of the heart?
Sinus arrhythmia of the heart - what is it? What are the main causes and symptoms of the disease? Methods of diagnosis,...
6 Signs Of Lung Cancer
Many believes that lung cancer is exclusively a disease of smokers, because it is known that smoking significantly increases the...
Knee sprain: How to run for cover
For minor injuries, so much rest, ice, but also drugs to reduce inflammation and pain. A sudden movement, performed while practicing sport,...
4 tips to eliminate foot odor
4 tips to reduce your foot odor Feeling bad feet is a problem that can rot your life ... but...
Secrets of polyphasic sleep: Can I make a day longer?
The daily running around the circle "work - home - hour for learning a language and self-development - a dream"...
What happens in your body when you get upset
When you get upset, your body undergoes sudden changes. Indeed, no matter the reason behind your anger, it has an...
Pregnancy:15 signs of pregnancy that you will recognize right away
15 signs of pregnancy you will recognize you are pregnant Do these signs seem familiar to you? It could be...
Vitamin D: Take care of your healthy bones
How to help vitamin D for healthy bones Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin-D deficiency promotes...