How to sit properly
Very often, we are interested in questions: How to sit at a desk, at a computer, at a table, in a chair, writing, etc. They arise because of the fact that often during sitting we experience considerable discomfort. But our body is a complex organism, which has limited possibilities for its existence. Therefore, at occurrence of any discomfort, the first question, which it is necessary for itself to set, will sound so: Why it occurs?
Discomfort, which occurs during sitting in different poses, should alert. If there is pain, stiffness of the muscles, numbness of the limbs and tingling in them, then all this speaks about the problems of the blood supply of tissues in our body.

The supply of tissues and organs in the body is due to the movement of blood flow through the blood vessels. Arteries carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients, which, then branching, can reach the most distant part of our body.
If on the way the blood meets with some kind of external obstacle for its movement (for example, you squeeze the artery for quite a long time), then the tissues and limbs receive inadequate nutrients and oxygen they need. This leads to numbness, pain and tingling. Remember, perhaps you occasionally woke up at night from the numbness of the hands or feet, which arose from an uncomfortable posture during sleep. In these cases, it is enough to change the position of the limb, so that the blood regains the correct circulation and numbness has passed.
Absolutely If on the way the blood meets with some kind of external obstacle for its movement (for example, you squeeze the artery for quite a long time), then the tissues and limbs receive inadequate nutrients and oxygen they need. This leads to numbness, pain and tingling. Remember, perhaps you occasionally woke up at night from the numbness of the hands or feet, which arose from an uncomfortable posture during sleep. In these cases, it is enough to change the position of the limb, so that the blood regains the correct circulation and numbness has passed.
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Absolutely you occasionally woke up at night from numbness of the hands or feet, which arose from an uncomfortable posture during sleep. In these cases, it is enough to change the position of the limb, so that the blood regains the correct circulation and numbness has passed.
Absolutely the same situation can occur during the day when due to this or that pose the blood circulation in some area of our body is disturbed. In this case, the body quickly signals this with pain and numbness. To remedy the situation, it is enough just to take a more correct and convenient position for blood circulation. The pain will go away, and numbness will pass.
What postures at sitting violate the blood supply of tissues and extremities?

There are several incorrect, harmful for the circulation of blood poses while sitting, which, however, are extremely popular.
Pose number 1: Foot on Foot
A large number of people, especially women, like to sit in this position. However, such a posture is simply a guarantee of a violation of the blood supply to the lower extremities, because in this case the vessels carrying blood into the region of the shins and feet are experienced. Abuse of this posture in sitting can lead to varicose veins of the lower extremities.
Pose number 2: Head Tilted
Very often, this position is considered as a pose for rest. The body leans back; the head throws back, the gaze rises. However, with the seeming convenience of such a rest position, in this case, vertebral arteries are pinched, which leads to a disruption in the blood supply to the brain. Violation of the head blood supply cannot be a successful way to relax, not to mention the fact that it is extremely harmful to health.
Pose number 3: Crossed Arms
Often when sitting or standing, I want to cross my arms. However, this cannot be done for the reason that in this posture the shoulder arches are pinched, which leads to disturbances in the blood supply of the hands and hands.
Pose No. 4: Stooped or Strongly Arched Back
Sometimes during sitting, we are so tired that it is difficult to keep a straight posture. We stoop either to the computer screen or at the desk, or lean back, strongly arching our back. However, thus removing the accumulated tension in the muscles of the back, we eventually get a guaranteed variety of diseases of the spine.
Pose No. 5: Hanging, Missing Legs to The Floor
If the chair is high and the legs do not reach the floor, then the edge of the chair or stool press on the back of the thigh. Or rather, the feet themselves are pinched under the weight of the muscles of the hamstrings. Clamped arteries quickly indicate the incorrectness of the sitting posture with pain and numbness.
How to sit properly: Correct posture
To avoid all of the above problems with a violation of the blood supply, it is sufficient to observe the following points during sitting:
- Sit as close to the back of a chair or chair;
- A little bend in the lower back;
- Straighten your shoulders;
- Place your hands on the armrests or on the table top so that the shoulders remain in their natural position;
- Raise your chin and try to look straight.
Observing these rules when working at a computer, reading, eating, writing, you will be less tired, you will be able to perform necessary actions without discomfort and will not cause your body any harm. These are just simple rules for the right sitting, having mastered them, you will render your body an invaluable benefit.
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