How can the weather impact your TV aerial?

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When you want to watch your favourite show, there’s nothing more annoying than bad weather interrupting your signal quality. Here’s how the elements can affect your view time.

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Heavy rain often leads to signal attenuation, as the strength weakens due to atmospheric water. This can affect both the sound quality and the picture. In some cases, TV aerial repair in Cheltenham engineers find that it can lead to a total loss of signal. Make sure your dish is properly installed with a clear line of sight to the satellite or transmitter, or tweak the aerial angle slightly.


Strong winds are another factor in TV aerial repair Cheltenham. Strong winds lead to aerials and dishes blowing out of place and leading to poor reception or signal loss. On a windy day, you could use guy wires to keep your equipment in place or try a signal amplifier which can improve reception. Failing that, call a TV aerial repair in Cheltenham engineer to install a stronger system for your mount.

Hot weather

Heat isn’t usually connected with reception issues, but when the weather heats up, your dish or aerial can struggle because metal expands in the heat and then contracts overnight. This can cause misalignment or displacement. So, if your reception starts to waver in summer, try using a fan to cool it, or shield it from the sun’s rays.

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Heavy snowfall is a very obvious link to signal attenuation, which can damage your viewing experience or even lead to complete signal loss. Clear away ice or snow regularly and consider installing a weatherproof cover.

These weather conditions can lead to problems with your TV aerial or dish. It’s often possible to fix the problem yourself, but you might need a TV aerial engineer.

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