First Aid at work and at home

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Having at least one fully trained first aider working full time in any office, school, garage, factory or general workplace is an essential requirement for any happy, healthy and successful business environment. There are many safe working rules and regulations enforced by government legislation and having medically trained staff in the workforce is one of particular importance.  Forward thinking companies are investing in specialist medical training for their staff through professional companies such as who can provide specialist Safe handling of medication courses.  These courses can also be undertaken by individuals who want to improve their own medical knowledge. Modern parents who want to understand how to store and administer medication safely at home can join this appropriate training.

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Having even the most basic knowledge of how to store and administer any medication can potentially be the difference between life and death!  If not stored safely, a young child could accidentally get hold of possibly lethal medicines, leading to a fatal and tragic result!  Forward thinking companies and individuals understand the potential danger and undertake appropriate training to make sure this can’t happen.

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Keeping medication locked away in an appropriate storage cabinet and any usage accurately recorded properly is essential. Safe disposal of any unused, or out of date medicines is also critical, as is having health records for every member of staff, including allergies and potentially fatal illnesses, such as Asthma. The proper training of a good first aider, whether at work or home, is paramount to everyone’s safety.


About Post Author


Hi, I am Russell Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety; here is my blogs <a href="">how to recover from anxiety</a> and <a href="">how to fight with anxiety</a>. I hope everyone will like my blogs.
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