speed up the metabolism

Know how to speed up the metabolism to lead a healthy life

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We’re going to tell you a secret: working like a slave inside your body right now, right now is your own personal trainer who works tirelessly to help you burn calories and lose fat. It’s called speed up the metabolism and it’s the sum of everything your body does.

Every time you eat, the enzymes in your body’s cells break down the food and convert it into energy that keeps the heart beating, the mind thinking and the legs working during an exhausting workout.

Tricks on how to speed up the metabolism

A fast metabolism means more calories burned. The more you burn, the easier it is to lose weight. And to achieve this, you can increase your metabolism so that it works harder, much harder, 24 hours a day.

To a certain extent, our bodies operate at a programmed speed that is determined by gender and genetics, but there is still a lot of margins that can be “exploited” to boost our metabolism.

You must be aware that you have a great deal of control over your metabolic rate. You cannot determine how many calories are needed to keep your heart beating, but you can burn an extra 500 to 600 calories a day by exercising properly and eating correctly and making some changes in your diet routine.

To speed up the metabolism, we give you the keys to slow metabolism to reach the fifth speed.

Fanning the flame

Here’s the good news: You may have inherited your mother’s slow metabolism, but you’re not stuck in it.

New research shows that you can “trick” your body into burning calories more efficiently, especially if you go to the gym.

With a strength workout only a couple of times a week, for example, you will reverse 50% of the seemingly inevitable decrease in metabolism that comes with age.

So take control of your metabolism by practicing the following tips and adapting them as part of your routine and, finally, stop sweating every sweet you drink.

speed up the metabolism

Practice the exercise more intensively

The next time you run, swim or even walk, increase the intensity during 30-second intervals, returning to your normal speed later.

For example, if you go for a walk, for 30 seconds the intensity increases go much faster and then, for another 30 seconds, go back to normal walking.

The use of this strategy will help you to consume more oxygen and make your cellular centrals, the mitochondria, work harder to burn energy.

Increase the number of mitochondria and the efficiency they have to burn during the day.

In this way, you can exercise for less time than it takes to keep going at the same pace and still get great results.

Take omega-3

Why eat a lot of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (tuna, herring and salmon) helps speed up the metabolism?

Omega-3 balances blood sugar and reduces inflammation, helping regulate metabolism.

They can also reduce resistance to the hormone leptin, which researchers have linked to the rate at which fat is burned.

A study conducted in Obesity Research found that rats that ingest large doses of fish oil while exercising lost weight.

Take supplements of omega-3 fatty acids. Do you hate the taste of fish? Try linseed oil, nuts or eggs enriched with omega-3.

Or check out the supplements that do not taste fishy.

Do some muscle

Not only does muscle weigh more than fat, it also uses more energy.

The average 30-year-old woman who trains 30 to 40 minutes twice a week for four months will increase her resting metabolism by 100 calories a day.

That means you’ll be resetting your thermostat to keep running at that speed, even on days when you do not go to the gym.

Use tea (green)

Green tea is known, among many other properties and benefits, for its great antioxidant powers. But a new study showed that the active ingredient, catechin, can increase metabolism.

The researchers conducted a series of studies on dieters and found that those who switched to green tea lost more weight than those who did not, suggesting that catechins can improve fat oxidation and thermogenesis, the production of heat or energy of your body by digestion.

But how much do you have to drink? According to one study, if you drink five cups of about 200 ml of green tea a day, you can increase energy expenditure by 90 calories a day.

It sounds like a lot of tea, but it’s not hard to do if you drink it too.

Do not reduce those calories

It is one of the most frustrating realities of the diet: if you suppress too many calories, your metabolism thinks times are scarce and puts pauses in burning fat to conserve energy.

Here is the trick to speed up the metabolism while you diet: Eat enough calories to at least match your resting metabolic rate or basal metabolism (it’s the minimum amount of calories needed to maintain vital body functions).

That’s approximately 1,400 calories for a 40-year-old woman, 162 centimeters and 68 kg of weight.

Start in the morning

Make sure you have breakfast. Eating a nutrient-rich meal in the morning (such as oatmeal with almonds and berries or a spinach and feta omelet with a slice of whole-grain bread) shortly after getting out of bed literally awakens the metabolism.

Taking a good breakfast puts the “engine” at full capacity and keeps it running.

Go ahead and eat

Eating throughout the day is a proven strategy to help you stop hunger and eat fewer calories in general.

Now, experts are promoting snack against cramming as a way to keep metabolism running, keeping blood sugar levels constant and preventing insulin spikes that increase weight.

Enjoying six small meals a day is the key; Keep about 300 calories in each, or divide the calories from your usual day by six.

Trim Tran’s fats

You have heard countless times that they are bad for you. But in addition, Tran’s fats also slow down your body’s ability to burn fat.

They have an altered shape and make your biochemistry work differently, experts say, explaining that Trans fats bind to fat and liver cells and slow down metabolism.

Eating Tran’s fats can also lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, which paralyze the metabolism and can cause weight gain.

Move to the organic

If you are in the dilemma of whether to buy organic food, this fact can make you decide: Vegetables, fruits and grains grown without pesticides keep your fat burning system running at full speed because they do not expose your thyroid to toxins.

On the other hand, the non-organic product blocks the metabolism mainly by interfering with the thyroid, which is the thermostat of your body and determines how quickly it works.

Think about proteins

Your body digests proteins more slowly than fat or carbohydrates, so you feel full for longer (this is especially true when you consume them at breakfast).

In addition, you can also give your metabolism a “hit”. In a process called thermogenesis, your body uses about 10% of your caloric intake for digestion.

Therefore, since it takes longer to burn proteins than carbohydrates or fat, your body spends more energy absorbing nutrients in a protein-rich diet.

Another benefit: A recent study from Purdue University found that higher protein diets can help preserve lean body mass, which is the best fat burner of all.

As a conclusion and as a summary, tell you to concentrate your energy on the development of lean muscle, take more organic and whole foods and add protein to your diet, together with a few sessions of HIIT each week and you will be on the right track to speed up the metabolism and to help you burn fats easier and faster.

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