water retention

5 advice against water retention

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Freeing the body from the fearsome water retention is not an impossible mission. We can prevent the tendency of body tissues to retain liquids, constantly following all the advice to get visible results from the first month. Here’s what to do …

1. Drink so much

The first real way to eliminate too much water is to drink even more. To be precise, one and a half liters a day. Maybe supplementing with herbal teas and infusions with a draining power. When choosing which water to drink, however, it is necessary to evaluate: its percentage of but also its ph. In fact, it has been shown that water with a pH close to 7 is the ideal anti-retention because it manages to control body acidity, which, if too high, hinders diuresis.

2. Reduce salt

You start with normal table salt that should be replaced with a low-sodium product, preferably iodized, on sale in a pharmacy or supermarket. The real secret to “remove” the salt, however, remains that of rehabilitating the palate with more swarming flavors. Returning to the original flavor of foods is the first step to combat retention. Spices and herbs can be integrated very well in this new anti-swelling style

3. Anti-flame diet

Combating table retention is possible. Choose foods based on fiber (fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains) that regulate the intestine, prevent swelling and provide minerals that promote diuresis (fruit: pineapple, red fruits, citrus fruits, watermelon, cherries, and bananas. Vegetables: asparagus, cucumbers, chicory, radicchio) Help yourself also with the consumption of herbal teas and solutions based on draining herbs.

4. Anti-retention sport

Aerobic sport (especially fast walking, running, striding, skating), in addition to burning calories, reactivates circulation and consequently hinders stagnation. Yoga, on the other hand, is specific against swelling and water retention, provided that the positions are correctly performed. Water sports, swimming but above all aqua gym and hydro bike, are recommended, because the massage that develops has a good draining effect. When summer arrives, there is nothing better than walking every day, for 15 minutes, with your legs in the sea.

5. Massages against retention

Creams, if used consistently and with circular and insistent massages, can favor the drainage of liquids. Prefer those with a salt base but also mud with algae. A real spa home remedy? Immerse yourself in warm water where you have dissolved a kilo or two of coarse salt for at least 20 minutes, at least a couple of times a week. Even the professional massage, such as the classic lymphatic drainage by hand or pressotherapy with machinery, performed in a good beauty center and with at least a cycle of 10 sessions plus maintenance, gives good results at the silhouette level.

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