
Cellulite: What to do to stop it?

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It is often said that cellulite is the most democratic disorder there is: tall and tall, models and housewives, lean and less lean, this problem afflicts most women. It would therefore be superfluous to explain what cellulite is, but we will do it for chronicle and completeness, albeit with very simple words. When it comes to cellulite it refers to that unhealthy fat that forms on the buttocks and hips. 

It is not a serious disease, indeed, the scientific community is still struggling to consider it as a true pathology or to declare it as a normal female condition. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that this discomfort will make it uncomfortable for those who find themselves confronted, especially when wearing shorts or bathing suits. But what can be done against cellulite? What can you eat and what can not you eat? And more importantly, what are the causes of cellulite?

Cellulite: We know our enemy

First of all, it should be emphasized that this blemish tends to reappear as a mother to a daughter, although there are many actions that can be taken to slow down, stop or at least postpone development, practicing all of our tips to avoid water retention. As we know too well, cellulite appears with the typical orange- peeled look, which, however, is actually a symptom of an internal problem at the level of the connective tissue. The formation of cellulite, in fact, is nothing more than a build up of fat in the form of increased volume of fat cells on the hips, thighs and buttocks.

Why is cellulite forming?

In order to understand the causes of the formation of cellulite, we must start from a common basis of our body: all of us, under our skin, have a layer of fat cells, which is actually used to accumulate reserve energy for our body. This layer is called adipose tissue, and in itself does not do anything wrong, in fact: the problem is that in women, to change the state of quiet of the adipose tissue, estrogen is considered. These sex hormones, going to favor the water retention by their nature, end up giving way to a progressive increase in the volume of the pancreas, which leads rather quickly to a breakdown of the cells that make up it. The result of this unhappy conjuncture between estrogen and adipose tissue is the diffusion in the surrounding areas of triglycerides, which is ultimately opposed to the hateful swelling of the obesity.

The factors that favor this nasty chain of events that lead to the formation of orange peel are therefore …

  • Hormonal factors
  • Genetic Factors
  • Circumference problems
  • Accentuated sedentaryity
  • Hormonal factors
  • Improper power supply
  • Accumulation of stress
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What to do against cellulite? Let’s start from physical activity!

The one against cellulite is a war that must be fought on many fronts, as, as we have seen, the causes of its onset can be many. There is no miraculous pills against orange peel skin, and no magic formula can make this blemish from the buttocks and thighs disappear. In order to prevent or reduce cellulite, at least part of your lifestyle needs to be changed, engaging daily in physical activity, reducing fat accumulation, speeding up metabolism and improving circulation. It should be emphasized that when it comes to physical activity, we do not necessarily mean very hard workouts: the important thing is to make regular movements, so give elasticity to the tissues and help and revitalize our circulatory system. Engaging in sports can also help us eliminate vices that only make the circulation worse and increase water retention, such as alcohol or coffee abuse or, worse, nicotine addiction.

You may also like to read: 10 foods to hydrate the skin

Cellulite: What to eat?

To help us gradually reduce cellulite, it also contributes to regular, balanced and healthy nutrition, trying to eliminate as much as possible all those foods that cause water retention. The first and decisive rule is to drink plenty of water, so as to encourage the elimination of liquids. The second step involves the elimination of foods that are too rich in fat, favoring high-protein foods, for example, having a sufficient number of proteins is very useful for a healthy muscle development. Other essential elements to fight cellulite are then iron and vitamin C, to help circulation, and potassium, to stimulate a natural drainage of the fluids. In the kitchen of a woman who started her war against cellulite, therefore, should never miss the white meat, fish, eggs, legumes and wholemeal pasta, surrounded naturally by fresh fruits and vegetables.

The wrong behaviors that help cellulite

Do sports, avoid cigarettes, alcohol and coffee, drink plenty of water, take a healthy diet … to prevent and reduce cellulite, however, you also need to eliminate some bad habits that might seem completely disconnected from orange peel skin. Wrong: actions like always keeping your legs crossed and wearing very tight clothing can increase the chances of increased cellulite, as they counteract good circulation. There is another factor that goes hand in hand with cellulite, even though it should be said that eliminating it is far from simple: we obviously talk about stress, which not only ruins our days, but also makes us accumulate toxins, and facilitates the development of cellulite.

Creams and anti-cellulite treatments

No war, however, can be won on its own: in order to stem the cellulite, however, we come to our aid treatments, supplements, oils and anti-cellulite creams. The best effect of the best cellulite products is long-lasting thanks to the many active ingredients that, together with the benefits of a massage, help to reduce blemishes. To have a smooth, toned skin, beautiful to see and touch, our advice is to foster healthy sports and nutrition with effective anti-cellulite products.

Heavy weapons: from laser to liposuction

For those who are in a hurry or have to face a particularly resistant form of cellulite, then there is a chance to move to heavy weapons, which, of course, are obviously more invasive and costly than normal anti-cellulite treatments such as creams and oils. Among these methods are pressotherapy for fluid drainage, liposuction, mesotherapy and laser.

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Hi, I am Russell Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety; here is my blogs <a href="http://anxietyreduction.com/">how to recover from anxiety</a> and <a href="http://anxietyfightersguide.com/">how to fight with anxiety</a>. I hope everyone will like my blogs.
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