8 amazing tips on how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
Nothing is more frustrating than waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror and finding dark circles under the eyes. You can apply a concealer and add a little highlighter for the effect, but the rings are still there! Concealer only hides the problem, to really solve you must first understand the causes of these dark circles.
The skin under your eyes is the thinnest and therefore, the most fragile, and the most common causes of dark circles are fluid buildup under your eyes, poor diet, lack of sleep, iron deficiency and other essential proteins. Come discover great and easy solutions that can help you reduce or get rid of unwanted as darkness under your eyes:
1. Sleep well
For most people, the most effective way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes is to improve sleep habits. For a new face and free circle, doctors recommend that we all have around six to eight hours of good sleep each day. Also, try to sleep on your back with your head held high on a pillow as this will help improve circulation and help correct excess fluids under the eyes.
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2. Watch your diet!
Pockets under the eyes may cast a shadow and could be the cause of dark circles underneath. The puffiness may be caused by your diet, so try to reduce your salt intake and cut out alcohol for a while, both of which can cause bloating and puffiness.
3. Do not rub your eyes
The skin under your eyes is extremely sensitive and when you rub your eyes causes you friction, which can, in turn, cause skin pigmentation to darken. In addition, always apply makeup very gently in this area for the same reason.
4. Use sunscreen under your eyes
When you go out in the sun, do not forget to apply sunscreen to your eyes as well. If you already have dark sub-region of the eyes, the sun will only make it darker. To be aware of.
5. Take your allergy medicine
If you suffer from allergies like hay fever, do not forget about your medicine. The effect of streaming eyes will only exacerbate the problem and create even more fluid under the eyes.
6. Apply ice packs
Applying ice to your skin, especially the semi-transparent skin under your eyes, will cool the blood capillaries and help excess fluid and blood to disperse from the area. Wrap an ice cube in a cloth/towel and place it on each of your eyes. (Applying ice cubes directly to your eyes may be too harsh for the smoothness under the eye area).
7. Use fresh tea bags
The next time you make a cup of tea, except the tea bag and put in the fridge to cool. Place the fresh tea bags on your eyes for about ten minutes to relax and reduce puffiness or discoloration around your eyes.
8. fruits and vegetables
Eating a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is always a good idea and will have a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skin and eyes as well. You can also use cucumber or potato slices to get rid of dark circles under dark eyes, just place them on your eyes in the morning, it will update and refresh the skin.
Dermatologists are asked about dark circles under dark eyes all the time. Above you have several solutions to this problem and now you know that simple change of your sleeping position or other daily habits can help you get rid of this issue.
Also, make sure you never go to sleep with your makeup and avoid rubbing your eyes frequently.
Please feel free to share your own tips on how to get rid of dark circles under in the comment section below.
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